Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Change is Often Needed...

"Allow me to reintroduce myself...."

                                                                    If I have to tell you who this is, you're losing.                                                        

    So I know I switched the name. I'm still a Brainiac, but there is a renewal that comes with change. The same ideals, beliefs, truths, but with a more appropriate nomenclature. The reason for the switch up...well, I guess I ought to explain.

    One reason I switched the name up is because I needed to refresh myself. One thing I often see in the blog world is a bunch of hate. Mostly unnecessary, everyone competes to keep the readers attention, but many times this manifests itself in denigrating the others. I don't want to be a part of the nonsense. Not only that, I can even say another blog inspired me to get back on my own game. So shout out to the homeboy Stef. I met this enlightened young man in college, it was one of those things that you don't exactly know the depth of a person until they are no longer around, and you catch them later in life and realize that person probably should have taken the place of some of the ridiculous people you previously met. Either way, son's tweets and Facebook [FB] inspired me to get back on my writing game, and hell, I flat out enjoy dude's blog.* I digress.

    Another reason I switched the name up is because I wanted a title that was a bit more appropriate per the content I post on here. If you've been on this blog before, you know I'm a third [or quarter] of the Wordtoem click. A brain child of myself, my man Stig, the homey E., and my Co-D Holobeatz, it is a place for folks to go to get quality Hip Hop and so on. And it was going well until real life hits. That tends to happen. While we get our stuff together, and a redesign gets completed, I felt that doing my own thing was paramount, mostly because of my tendency to go off topic. Well, Culture Over Everything was a phrase of heard for years and it seems to just fit.

    Let me go into this a bit more in depth. Culture Over Everything isn't some movement. It's life itself. While some claim to be fans, fandom sells short my relationship with Hip Hop. A purveyor of the culture is a spot on description of my existence in this subculture. The depth of my love, addiction, dependency on Hip Hop is limitless. I can not think of life without the ENTIRE culture. It just isn't a possibility. There's not going to be a grow up period. I'm not going to get some corporate job and suddenly start faking the funk. I am Hip Hop, and Hip Hop is me. I take it seriously. It's gotten me through bad times. It's PUT me in bad times. It's the soundtrack for every positive memory I have.

    Hip Hop has been classified as a music genre. That's not only incorrect, but it sells Hip Hop WAY short. It's a way of life. It's an inspiration to keep going when reality gets a little too real. It's a coping method. I don't know how many times I dealt with the small town smallmindedness I was forced to endure in my hometown, and how Hip Hop was a positive release for me. Now there were times when it was the soundtrack to some dumb stuff, but all in the process of finding myself, I found as much knowledge, peace and love in Hip Hop to counter balance the negatives.

    Basically, my job and intent here is to show you the culture I, and millions across the globe, define ourselves by. It's not longer just for people of African decent. As much as we'd like to stick the our roots, this culture was bound to spread. It's given so many different people a bridge to understand different world cultures. Our society still continues to desecrate my culture, yet still continues to turn a profit on it. But let me be clear, Hip Hop is one of the most POWERFUL forces on planet. And I'm going to show you how it crosses racial, gender, social, political and even financial boundaries. Because if you feel that any area of Hip Hop applies to you and your being, you are my brother or sister in Hip Hop, and much larger, the human race.

     So I'm gonna get right into it. A little reintroduction to who you're reading. I'm the illest n*cca from Nebraska, but I rep the Murda Mitten, if I'm gonna put it in today's lingo. My name is my name! I'm located at home base in Middle Michigan, so I think I'm going to hit you with the greatest to come from our state. If you know me, no other words are necessary. I can tell you about this guy all day, but I know you want some Hip Hop. No further. Enjoy.

That was J Dilla, the greatest producer of all time. If he doesn't have one beat of his on your iPod, Zune, or however you listen to are losing. This particular jam comes of Detroit lyricist Elzhi's "Witness My Growth" mixtape. The sample....Detroit. It's all Mitten on this one. We hold it down.

James OK

*If you wanna check out the blog that got me started again,

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